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Warszawa - Ursynów, ul. Jesteśmy firmą rodzinną, to już drugie pokolenie lekarzy stomatologów dba o Państwa zdrowe uśmiechy. W obecnym kształcie nasza klinika istnieje już 20 lat. Cały czas zdobywamy nowe umiejętności i uczestniczymy w licznych szkoleniach i kongresach zarówno w kraju jak i za granicą. Fantastyczny fotelik w kształcie Dinusia,.
Obturația de canal este una dintre cele mai cunoscute proceduri ce țin de endodonție;.
S Dental Institute is a multi-specialty group practice servicing all dental needs. We are found on 3 treatment philosophies symbolized by the letter S. Specialty, Simplicity, and Sincerity. Traditional dental visits can involve a confusing referral process, wasting your valuable time and consultation fees. Instead, our team of nine accomplished doctors covering six dental specialties in one clinic simplify and idealize your treatment. This collaboration also allows SDI.
Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery. At S Dental and Specialties in Rochelle Park NJ, Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Jason Schepis is committed to top-notch customer service and healthy smiles that last a lifetime! OFFICIAL TEAM DENTIST OF THE GIANTS, DEVILS, NETS AND RED BULLS. Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery. Checkups, cleanings, and x-rays.